Free calls to INDIA from BT landline

Free calls to INDIA from UK using BT landline with

0870 99 66 8 55


0870 794 2974

Call INDIA and many other country's including USA Canada, Australia, Europe and many more using the access number 0870 99 66 855 and 0870 794 2974 using BT landline for free, as BT has included this number in the inclusive free minutes plan. Visit for further information and confirmation. Please pass this to as many people as possible and let them use this service to save money.

As such customers may be able to use 0870 794 2974 and 0870 996 6855 as part of their BT inclusive package.

Advice to customers must remain that they should check the rate charged by their provider prior to making a call.

But wait! We strongely suggest you to try our number for one or two minutes first to see if its free on your tariff but we have tested these numbers for you and BT did not charge us.